Giant Journey Farm is both a working farm and a community space. We are committed to finding as many ways as possible to open up our space and facilitate opportunities for folks to feel empowered by and connected to our food ways.
In addition to all our free social programming, we now offer skill building workshops and farmschool classes.
Gardening Workshops
Our workshops are interactive and include take home printouts and hands-on demonstrations as well as space and time to see the farm and build community with other participants. All skill levels and abilities are welcome to attend.
All workshops are held Saturdays 10-1.
Chainsaw Series Workshop I - Machine maintenance and basic use
Chainsaw Series Workshop II - Basic use and tree felling
Garden Series Workshop I - Understanding your crop map, companion planting and succession planting
Garden Series Workshop II - Prepping your no-till space, soil science!
Garden Series Workshop III - Jumping worms and other invasives
Garden Series Workshop IV - Organic controls for pests and diseases
Garden Series Workshop V - Cover cropping
Garden Series Workshop VI - Compost!
Garden Series Workshop VII - Putting up the harvest
Garden Series Workshop VIII - Putting your garden to rest
Animal Harvesting - Rabbits
Dry Stone Series Workshop I - Walling basics
Dry Stone Series Workshop II - Retaining walls and other structures
Registration and Fees
Chainsaw Series workshops: $50 each or $75 for the full series.
Garden Series workshops: $35 each or $250 for the full series.
Organizational rate for the Garden Series: $250 + $100 for each additional person. For groups of 6 or more the rate is $750.
Dry Stone Series workshops: $35 each or $50 for the full series.
We accept cash, check, and Venmo (@Kendra-Dias-2) or PayPal (
We ask that you determine the amount you need to pay when registering. But we’re happy to figure out the amount if you run into trouble. Just shoot us an email or call. We do offer a sliding scale option.
For the full-season, if not paid in full, a $50 deposit is due at the time of registration, remaining payments will be split evenly over the course of each month unless otherwise arranged.
We also take barter, trade, and work hours toward payment so folks should reach out to us if money is a barrier to participation.
Register for Gardening Workshops
farmschool Classes
Each week children are invited to come to the farm and participate in the real-life activities that make agriculture possible on our 2-acre regenerative farmstead. While there is instructional time, the bulk of each session will be spent outside in hands-on activities.
This is a multi-age group best suited for kids 3-12 but can absolutely accommodate explorers of any age. Children 0-4 must be accompanied by their adult. Adults of older children are more than welcome to stay as well!
As this is a working farm, explorers will be trained and trusted to use real tools in the field and kitchen including knives and fire in developmentally appropriate ways. While there is an element of instruction, this is a co-created space of exploration and discovery where the only limitations center around safety and respect.
Session Dates and Fee Schedule
We meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays 1-4, rain or shine. No refunds are available for absences unless you’ll be missing more than half a summer camp session.
Session I: February 19-23
Session II: April 22-26
Session III: May 20-24
Session IV: July 22-26
Session V: August 26-30
Session VI: October 21-25
Session VII: November 18-22
Per Session
Full Year (7 sessions)
Per Camp
Both Camps
Full Year + Camps
*You still need to RSVP the week of for drop-ins so we can have materials ready!
Camp I: July 1-26
Camp II: August 5-30
Each Additional Child
First Child
We accept cash, check, and Venmo (@Kendra-Dias-2) or PayPal (
We ask that you determine the amount you need to pay when registering. But we’re happy to figure out the amount if you run into trouble. Just shoot us an email or call. We do offer a sliding scale option.
If not paid in full, a non-refundable deposit is due at the time of registration ($50 for sessions, $100 for full year), remaining payments will be split evenly over the course of each week unless otherwise arranged.
We also take barter, trade, and work hours toward payment so folks should reach out to us if money is a barrier to participation.