Our Farmstand


We’re in the process of building our permanent farmstand under the balcony of the farmhouse. Come see what we’ve got to offer!

Our Farm-Fresh Items

We currently offer:

  • seasonal, fresh produce

  • frozen produce

  • fresh eggs from our chickens and other birds

  • frozen chicken and rabbit from our farm

Once the stand is finished, our hours will expand and we’ll have potted plants, cut flowers, our own pickled and fermented products, jams and sauces, frozen veggies and meats, and dried herbs and teas.

We’ll also stock goods from other hyper local small businesses in our community. Stay tuned!

Check out what’s in season on our farm before you come shop!

We are now authorized to accept SNAP/EBT! We also offer a sliding scale option as well as a limited number of solidarity shares. If you think you would benefit from a solidarity share please reach out to us.

a Community Space

As we continue to grow we hope this farm becomes greater than the sum of its parts. Toward that goal a variety of things are also available at our farmstand:

  • A lending library with books on homesteading, agriculture, homeschooling, social justice, healing, and non-violence

  • A sign-up sheet for tool sharing (Please reach out if you have items you’d like to offer up to the community!)

  • Free seeds to take or swap

  • Anything else you think our community needs that we can find a way to help with! Don’t hesitate to reach out to us with ideas!

When Are we open?

The farm’s operating hours: Monday-Saturday 9:00-6:00, Sunday CLOSED

Our farmstand is open: Tuesdays 3:00-6:00, Saturdays 9:00-12:00, or by appointment.

Pick-your-own* is open: Saturdays 9:00-6:00 or by appointment.

*Let us know if you’d like to receive our monthly newsletter which includes information about what is available to pick!

Reach out anytime if you have a special request!

We take recycled materials!

Please send us an email if you’re planning to drop something off.  

  • Egg cartons, pints, quarts, elastics, mason jars and bands, vacuum seal bags that did NOT contain meat, etc. Clean and in good shape please!

  • Pots, trays, packs, milk crates, 5 gal buckets, etc. Clean and unbroken please!

  • Leaves/leaf mulch, grass clippings, wood chips, etc. Please consider waiting to clean up your yard until spring and wait to mow until June- critters overwinter in debris and pollinators need food early in the season. NO synthetics like MiracleGrow or RoundUp! 

  • X-mas trees which are clean of ALL decorative debris!! 

  • Household compost/food scraps; NO oils, meat, or dairy please! If you’d like us to take your kitchen scraps we can provide you a bucket with a lid to rotate periodically if you need, just let us know.