What is it?

Our garden kit will provide you with everything you need to grow a thriving 10x10 garden to feed your family including:

  • a crop map and plan that aligns with our growing season

  • all the seeds and seedlings

  • fact-sheets with key information and

  • monthly workshops with beginner and advanced information to ensure your garden is a success (not to mention the community of other growers you’ll meet!) 

We chose 10x10 because that’s the traditional size of a community garden plot and we want our Garden Kit to be accessible to every family, regardless of economic status or homeownership.

Feel free to spread out or add to this plan if you’ve got the space and a hankering for something unique. The map is split into 4 quadrants that align with our companion planting technique, which could each be grown in its own raised bed if that’s the way your space is set up.

Make it your own.

What will we grow?

Your garden will grow carrots, radish, beets, onions, tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, peas, beans, corn, cucumber, zucchini, butternut squash, lettuce, kale, spinach, cabbage, and broccoli as well as a full complement of culinary herbs and edible flowers.

Some veggies can be planted for multiple harvests.

Enough to feed your family and have a bit to share or put up for the winter.

How do we participate?

Early May to August is the planting window. Because we’re starting many of the seeds for you, you’ll benefit from an extended growing season without the need for your own greenhouse.

Seeds and plant starts will come with detailed instructions and can be picked up at the farm during regular CSA pick up (Tuesdays 3:00-6:00 or Saturdays 9:00-12:00). We’ll send out a group email when the next planting is ready to be picked up and added to your garden.

Once a month from April to October, the community will gather at the farm to participate in a workshop specifically designed to build skills for gardening and share our experiences, questions, and lessons learned.

can I really grow a garden like this?


More specifically, here’s what you need other than us:

  • space to grow your garden (some aged manure or compost wouldn’t hurt but isn’t mandatory)

  • access to water (and willingness to water your garden a few times a week during dry spells)

  • and a little bit of time to tend your patch (an hour or two a week should suffice)

The Workshops

These workshops are interactive and will include take home printouts and hands-on demonstrations as well as space and time to see the farm and build community with other participants.

All skill levels and abilities are welcome to attend.

All 7 workshops will be held Saturdays 10-1.

April: Prepping your no-till space, soil science!

May: Understanding your crop map, companion planting and succession planting

June: Jumping worms and other invasives

July: Organic controls for pests and diseases

August: Compost!

September: Putting up the harvest

October: Putting your garden to rest

In addition to Garden Kit members, tickets for the workshops are available to other community members who want to learn more about particular regenerative topics but don’t need the whole kit and kaboodle.

The cost is $35 per workshop or $225 for the whole season. For workshops ONLY, you can register here.

The Starts

Returning Garden Kit participants and well seasoned gardeners who don’t have space/time to start your garden before the growing season? We can help!

In addition to prepping for Garden Kit members, we sell just the seeds and starts for your home garden so you can hit the ground running even if you don’t want the whole kit and kaboodle.

The cost for seeds and starts is $155.

Registration And Pricing

The cost for the full season- materials and workshops- is $600.


The seeds/starts portion of this program is eligible for NOFA-VT Farm Share subsidy program!

We accept cash, check, and Venmo (@Kendra-Dias-2) or PayPal (giantjourneyfarm@gmail.com).

We offer a sliding scale option as well as a limited number of solidarity shares. If you think you would benefit from a solidarity share please reach out to us.

If not paid in full, a $100 (non-refundable) deposit is due at the time of registration, remaining payments will be split evenly over the course of each month unless otherwise arranged.

We also take barter, trade, and work hours toward payment so folks should reach out to us if money is a barrier to getting a kit.

Pickup & Delivery

When ordering you’ll need to choose one of our convenient pick up windows: Tuesdays 3:00-6:00 or Saturdays 9:00-12:00

These pick up times are NOT interchangeable, when you choose one, that is your designated pick up for your kit. You may contact us to change your pick up day and time if you find your choice isn’t working for you. 

If you’re not able to pick up your materials, please be in touch with us with 24hrs notice so that we can care for your starts. Any materials left an hour after the pick up window without prior arrangement are subject to resale without refund!

Typically, kit pickups happen at the farm but we can deliver for housebound or high-risk folks for a fee. If three or more families in the same area get together and agree on an alternate pick up location, we can deliver to that spot for a reduced rate.

Order Your Garden Kit